wellcome to bunnybliss

A all bunny blog filed with bunny facts, bunny treat resipes, home made bunny toys, bunny stories and more!

Wednesday 11 May 2011

your bunny fun fact

rabbits can have fails pregnancies
rabbits can have a heart stroke
Rabbits sweet through three feet

your bunny fun fact

the longest jump done my a rabbit is 3 meters
the longest living rabbit was 19 year old when it died
the longest rabbit ears on a rabbit were 31.12  inches
a rabbits teeth never stop growing

at home bunny toy

take a paper tower role
with seconder cut 6 or more   slits around each mouth of the roll
give to bunny

Wednesday 20 April 2011

bunny types

french lop
 lion head 
English Lop
theses are just a few there are 400 different breads of rabbits 

a bunny tale

for awhile my bunny has been escaping from his room. and we though it was the dog pushing the door open witch was true in some cases but not all. one night when i was in his room with his I saw him hop over to the door clamp his teeth on the  eage of the door a pull it open. then he escaped. now we always make sure the door closes till it is fully closed .

home made bunny biscuts

1/2 a cup  flower

 3/4 cup  spinach

 3/4 cup  rabbit pellets
 per heat oven to 300 then mix all ingredients together in a food  processor  and add water till the mixture is doey  lay out on a buttered cookie sheet and bake for 20-15 mins let cool and give to bunny. yummy. satisfaction guarantee! makes a great gift( for a rabbit)

bunny of the day

your bunnybliss fun facts

president Lincoln aloud his sons to keep bunnies in the white houes

rabbits are not rodents there lagomorphs witch include hairs,rabbits and pikas. lagorphs